17 Apr

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Geert Vanden Bossche stated way at the beginning of instituting this mRNA “vaccine” technology during the actual pandemic would cause viral resistance and mutations… and it did. No one listened to the “true” scientists only the ones who had evil intentions and profit in mind. With all the hype, fear and propaganda many were deceived and are paying a heavy price with their health. We are surrounded with people on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Covid episode. Unfortunately, they do not feel inclined to stay home when feeling bad and continue to run errands and socialize and hang out in crowds. These are my neighbors and friends and it is so frustrating.

How did mRNA COVID vaccines—which promised to preserve life and health—instead turn out to endanger them?The spike protein mechanism of mRNA COVID vaccines is mainly toxic to the mitochondria—the cell’s energy production organelle, says neuroscientist and biochemical researcher Dr. Dayan Goodenowe.Moreover, these vaccines reengineer our cells to produce the toxic spike protein. And this production can continue for a long time, he says.Over several decades, Dr. Goodenowe has developed systems for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment across a range of diseases—including autism, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Alzheimer’s disease—as covered previously on Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon.His treatment systems replenish key nutrients to restore cellular health function, and are showing increasing effectiveness in treating vaccine injury.For Vital Signs – mRNA COVID-Vax Recovery–PART 1, Dr. Goodenowe highlights the prime dangers in the design and distribution of mRNA COVID vaccines.This three-part series takes us from the source of mRNA COVID-vaccine danger to the stories of those recovering from vaccine injury and the promising treatment formula they’re using.Find the link here to mRNA COVID-Vax Recovery–PART 2 soon. This video reveals a mother’s quest to protect her children amid pandemic vaccine enforcement, and how she recovered from vaccine injury. 


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