20 Nov

Well brothers and sisters, we have reached an impass here at Freeline, unfortunately, we are rapidly entering the realms of paying our way for what we do. We don't generate enough traffic through the website or on YouTube to generate any income and we don't accept donations at the moment, due to taxation complications. 

However, there is a way for you all to support us and that is by instigating 'The clickthrough', a link from the post you see on any of the social media sites you see us on, facebook, Twitter, MeWe, Linkedin, Safechat, Tumbr and Gab  and now, added most recently, we are also on Gettr. No need to donate or dig out your credit card, just click on the pic and go to the website or to YouTube ....or better stilll, both and click the like, subscribe and share icons and we will very soon be back in safe territory and continue to blog every day free of charge. Not asking fro you money brothers and sisters, just a few moments of your time. Please come to the rescue of our little organisation, we don't want to lose it now. Recently we lost our TRIBE platform due to changes being made on that site and now our presence there has gone, please help us to stay on the others. Thank you and God Bless.

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