12 Oct

Letter from my inbox.

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Dear Israel and friend of WND,

For quite a while, I’ve been e-mailing you about all the ways today’s Big Tech oligarchs are suppressing, censoring, de-monetizing and defaming our pioneering 25-year-old online Christian news organization.

Today, however, just talking about those sorts of things – although the abuses and attacks continue unabated – somehow sounds a little old, a bit too “2020.”

For what we are beholding today in 2021 is the breathtaking disintegration of the United States of America. The people currently ruling our nation, starting with the president and vice president, are insane. That’s not metaphor, hyperbole or rhetorical flourish. They’re insane – as in, deranged, irrational, delusional and possessed.

Consider what’s happening in America at this very moment.

* America’s frontline doctors, nurses, paramedics and other health professionals – you know, the very people our leaders celebrated as heroes last year for courageously, selflessly treating patients stricken with a fearsome new pandemic called COVID-19 – are now being fired by the thousands for refusing to be injected with an experimental and unproven medicine they don’t want nor need. Same with the entire 1.4 million-member U.S. military, as well as law enforcement, teachers, federal employees, and countless of other Americans. Incredibly, over 100 million Americans – including many of these frontline heroes – have recovered from COVID and thereby already possess natural immunity that is broader, deeper, more robust and longer lasting than the immunity any COVID vaccine can possibly confer. Moreover, in addition to having superb immunity against future infection, the COVID recovered also face a 4.4 times greater likelihood of adverse effects from the vaccines! So think about this: While reaping literally zero benefit from taking the vaccine, they face a far greater than normal risk of harm from having their bodies injected with experimental medicines they absolutely don’t need.

And yet, the Biden administration is manically forcing them to take it – or lose their jobs.
But that is just one issue. Let’s quickly look at a few others:
* Our ruling elites are engineering the massive immigration (the more accurate term would be “invasion”) into America by millions and millions of unknown people, not just from Mexico and Central America, but from all over the world, settling them en masse in the American heartland, and thereby permanently and profoundly altering the fabric of American society. Yet, dare complain about this rapid and intentional destruction of our nation and you’re accused of being a racist, a white supremacist, a violent extremist, and a selfish, heartless, immoral person who “hates black and brown people.”

* America’s allies and enemies alike now regard the U.S. and its awesome military power, for the first time ever, as weak, corrupt, unreliable – even treacherous. That’s because in Afghanistan, Biden pulled all our soldiers out of the country, abandoning untold numbers of desperately stranded Americans, as well as Afghans who aided the U.S. military, to face murder, torture or sex slavery. While 13 heroic young American service members were being blown up unnecessarily in a terror attack in Kabul, Biden was busy rewarding the Taliban, a 6th century barbarian terrorist army, with tens of billions of dollars’ worth of state-of-the-art American military gear, from Black Hawk helicopters and armored vehicles to M4 rifles and night-vision goggles. Now we’re offering the newly proclaimed “caliphate” U.S. taxpayer-funded foreign aid – all revitalizing and encouraging the worldwide jihad movement.

* Today’s Democrats, while claiming to be “the party of science,” insist that men can menstruate, get pregnant, have babies and “chest-feed” their children. On the other hand, according to the same Democrats, babies aren’t actually human until the moment they’re born, when they suddenly are magically transformed into precious children. One minute earlier they were just bio-waste, unwanted tumor-like tissue to be destroyed at will (by means of poison, decapitation, chemical burning or induced heart attack) and discarded – but only if “the mother and her doctor” so decide. Got that?
All of this is obviously insane, yet anyone who dares speak the truth out loud is painted as bigoted, hateful and immoral.

Friends, to understand what is REALLY going on our country and WHY – and at the same time to take a firm hold of how we can survive this, both personally and as a nation – it’s necessary to go beyond the everyday secular jargon of “right versus left” and “liberal versus conservative” and instead to view these things through the lens of God-given, scriptural Truth. What we’re witnessing today in our nation is a massive rebellion against God and His laws of life, love and liberty. Recently mega-talk-host Mark Levin said Biden is leading most “diabolical administration” and “diabolical Democratic Party” since the Civil War. “Diabolical” means “characteristic of the Devil, or so evil as to be suggestive of the Devil.”

That’s right. We’re dealing with outright evil.

You know as well as I do that, whether on a personal or societal level, we can exist in peace, harmony and prosperity only if we’re honoring God and His laws. Otherwise, everything turns to dust, and in a painful and often catastrophic manner.

Let me tell you how I see WND fitting into this picture: Every person here – all professional journalists with decades of experience – is also a sincere, committed Christian, and our chief objective, both personally and as a major news organization, is always to bear witness to the Truth, with a capital T.

Our nation is literally dying for lack of Truth.

Since the beginning of the internet era, WND has played a role – a very important role, I believe – in championing Truth, in shining a bright journalistic light on the encroaching darkness. Today, that role is more important than ever, since real journalism is facing extinction in the age of Big Media propaganda and Big Tech censorship.

But there is a small remnant left, and WND is a vital part of it.

Friends, I’ll make my request short and sweet. Please help keep us alive. We are always struggling to make payroll and to fend off the constant stream of new attacks, crises, misfortunes, demands and threats that are continually directed our way. Don’t get me wrong; we wear this abuse as a badge of honor. As Col. Oliver North once observed about wartime service, “If you’re not getting shot at, it means you’re not flying over enemy territory.” We know why they’re doing this to us. But we still live and operate in this world, and we need to pay our bills or we cease to exist. It’s that simple.

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In case you didn’t know, we took the trouble to do what a few other forward-thinking news organizations have done – to form a 501(c)3 organization called the WND News Center. This IRS-approved nonprofit is dedicated to promoting “independent, fearless, truthful news and analysis in an age of rapidly increasing lies and deception” and “shining a bright and honest journalistic light on today's world, including the lawless political and cultural forces that daily threaten Americans' happiness, well-being, security and freedom.”

I’m asking you today to really think hard and prayerfully about all this, and then to consider making a generous tax-deductible donation to the nonprofit WND News Center.

Thank you so much for all your past support, and for helping in any way you are moved to do now.

May God bless you and yours,

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections.

Background Reports of waning vaccine-induced immunity against COVID-19 have begun to surface. With that, the comparable long-term protection conferred by previous infection with SARS-CoV-2 remains unclear. Methods We conducted a retrospective observational study comparing three groups: (1)SARS-CoV-2-naïve individuals who received a two-dose regimen of the BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine, (2)previously infected individuals who have not been vaccinated, and (3)previously infected and single dose vaccinated individuals. Three multivariate logistic regression models were applied. In all models we evaluated four outcomes: SARS-CoV-2 infection, symptomatic disease, COVID-19-related hospitalization and death. The follow-up period of June 1 to August 14, 2021, when the Delta variant was dominant in Israel. Results SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold (95% CI, 8.08 to 21.11) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected, when the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021. The increased risk was significant (P<0.001) for symptomatic disease as well. When allowing the infection to occur at any time before vaccination (from March 2020 to February 2021), evidence of waning natural immunity was demonstrated, though SARS-CoV-2 naïve vaccinees had a 5.96-fold (95% CI, 4.85 to 7.33) increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold (95% CI, 5.51 to 9.21) increased risk for symptomatic disease. SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees were also at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected. Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.

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