Radical activist teachers brainwashed a 12-year-old girl to think she’s a “boy” and hid it from her mother... So, we’re dragging the teachers and school into court to make them pay for their disgusting actions and stop this from happening to other children.
One day Jessica Konen, a mother of a young 12-year-old girl in middle school was called in and told by the school that her daughter was now a “boy.” What she found out was that over the past several months teachers indoctrinated her sixth-grade daughter into believing she was transgender and bisexual. Her daughter didn’t even know what those two words meant until these sick activist teachers infected her daughter with their twisted beliefs... The teachers recruited Jessica’s daughter to join their “Equality Club” where she was told she may be transgender and bisexual. The teachers then helped her to create a totally new identity with new names, new pronouns and had her use a different bathroom. They even created a “Gender Support Plan” for her and instructed the faculty to use her new male name and pronouns -- ALL without her mother’s knowledge. And worse than that -- these radical teachers told Jessica’s daughter NOT to tell her mom because she couldn’t be “trusted.” The actions of these teachers and the school are sickening... They intentionally hid their radical indoctrination from Jessica -- even though the Supreme Court has consistently ruled that parents have the right to control their children’s education. Left-wing activist teachers, administrators and schools are out-of-control... It’s disgusting. It’s awful. And we have to stop them. That’s why I’m asking for your help today.
Help us to destroy the morons who have become child abusers because of their politics.
You see, we are suing the school AND the teachers for their illegal actions... Because the only way we’re going to stop these activist teachers and administrators is to drag them into court. The fact is that we have no idea how many other children this is happening to across the country -- Jessica’s daughter is just one example. We know the California Department of Education and the teachers’ associations train schools and teachers to keep secrets from parents... Who knows how many other young children are being poisoned? Left-wing radicals are using our classrooms to brainwash our children and grandchildren with their sick-and-twisted views. And we have an opportunity to stop it. This lawsuit puts every single activist teacher, administrator, and school on notice -- if you mess with our children, we will see you in court! They should be teaching our children math, reading and history -- not pushing them to become transgender or bisexual. But, to stop this from happening -- we need to win this case... That’s why I’m asking for your help immediately today.