18 Feb

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) is one of the most corrupt, sinister, and dishonest organizations of any kind operating anywhere in the world today, and finally the West appears to be waking to that: it has just lost over eighty percent of the funding it has received for its $1.1 billion budget in the wake of revelations that its employees have been actively aiding Hamas, or are even outright Hamas jihadis. Some short-sighted and vociferously antisemitic leftists, however, are determined to go down with the UNRWA ship: in an insane act of far-left tone-deafness and/or defiance, a Norwegian MP has just nominated the group for the Nobel Peace Prize.

In a certain sense it would be fitting for UNRWA to get the Nobel Peace Prize, which only ever goes to leftists and jihadis, often quite bloodthirsty ones such as Yasir Arafat, anyway. After all, there are jihadis all over the world, incited by multiple passages of the Qur’an to commit unspeakable acts of cruelty and violence. Remember the Oct. 

7 jihadis, who screamed “Allahu akbar,” after the fashion of jihadis worldwide, as they raped, tortured and butchered Israelis. Yet Islam, we are still told, is a Religion of Peace, and anyone who maintains otherwise is still a hateful, bigoted “Islamophobe.” Since that is still the prevailing mainstream perspective, why not give this group of jihad propagandists and enablers (and, again, outright jihadis) the Peace Prize?The peace that Islam envisions is that which follows a victorious battle, when the enemy has been conquered and subdued, his submission received and ensured for the future.

 In that sense, Islam really is a Religion of Peace, as it demands that Muslims wage war against non-Muslims until that submission is indeed secured (see Qur’an 8:39, 9:29, etc.). UNRWA was dedicated to exacting just that submission to the warriors of jihad from Israelis. And since the left is so closely allied with the jihad force, could anyone be more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than this now thoroughly discredited agency?

 The Times of Israel reported Friday that Norwegian Labour MP Asmund Aukrust, who is the vice-chairman of the Norwegian parliament’s foreign affairs committee, nominated UNRWA for the Nobel “for its long-term work to provide vital support to Palestine and the region in general. This work has been crucial for over 70 years, and even more vital in the last three months.”These words ring particularly hollow in light of the recent revelations about what UNRWA has been doing. The Daily Mail reported Tuesday that “3,000 of their Palestinian teachers shared messages supporting Hamas militants as they raped and murdered civilians in Israel on Oct 7.” Not six or eight. Not even 100. Three thousand. UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer “told Congress about his probe into a Telegram channel for UN teachers in Gaza that was filled with posts by members praising the bloodbath.” Not only that but twelve UNRWA employees actually participated in “abductions and killings on Oct 7, prompting the US and others to halt funds for the agency.”Neuer accordingly called for UNRWA to be “dissolved,” and he was, of course, quite right. It should, in fact, never have been established in the first place. UNRWA is an odd organization, as all the other refugees in the world, wherever they are, come under the care of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Only the Palestinian Arabs, alone among all the refugee populations of the world, have their own refugee agency.What’s more, UNHCR deals only with people who have actually been displaced or fled from a war zone — that is, actual refugees. UNRWA, on the other hand, treats refugee status as a family heirloom that can be passed on through the generations. 

If a Muslim Arab heeded the call of the Arab League to leave Palestine in 1948, he is a refugee, and so are his children and grandchildren who never saw Palestine at all.This has enabled billions of dollars of the aid money that Western countries have so generously given to be bestowed not on the actual residents of Gaza, who have been awash in aid money from all manner of other sources anyway, but upon millions of people around the world who have no genuine claim to refugee status. This corrupt gravy train is now sputtering and slowing down thanks to the cutoff of aid. Now it should be derailed. But instead, given the corruption and antisemitism of the Western left, it would not be at all surprising if UNRWA actually wins the Nobel Peace Prize.

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