22 Mar

What’s it going to take? President Trump was impeached (!) for a phone call concerning Biden’s long time corruption. The Trump Russia hoax was one big lie. Perversely, it was the Bidens who received tens of millions of dollars from the mayor’s wife of Moscow, Russia’s wealthiest family. Imagine if the Trump family received millions upon millions in Russian payoffs.The media coverage, of the striking dearth of it, is laser focused on defaming and libeling the witnesses. The media operates as an arm of the Democrat regime – part of the government apparatus that is protecting the Bidens.The overwhelming evidence of Biden’s corruption has led to nothing. The President of the United States is owned and operated by foreign actors. 

Witness accuses Hunter and Jim Biden of lying repeatedly under oath to Congress to protect Joe.Tony Bobulinski: “Why is Joe Biden blatantly lying to the American people? . . . If he were doing nothing wrong, why go through this insane exercise of obstructing and denying obvious facts? . . .The reason is because the Biden family’s profiting of tens of millions of dollars from our strategic opponents and corrupt individuals and entities around the world—without delivering any goods or services and while putting in minimal effort and work—causes Americans to rightly question any policies from this administration that apparently benefit those same strategic opponents and corrupt individuals and entities.” 

Former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinksi: "Joe Biden was more than a participant in and beneficiary of his family’s business; he was an active, aware enabler who met with business associates such as myself to further the business"

Joe Biden Was ‘the Brand’
Excerpts from the written testimony of Hunter Biden’s business partner.By: Wall Street Journal, March 19, 2024:These are excerpts from the written testimony of Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, submitted to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee Tuesday. Mr. Bobulinski is scheduled to testify before the committee Wednesday. Joe, Hunter and Jim Biden have disputed some of Mr. Bobulinski’s allegations.I want to be crystal clear: From my direct personal experience and what I have subsequently come to learn, it is clear to me that Joe Biden was “the Brand” being sold by the Biden family. His family’s foreign influence peddling operation—from China to Ukraine and elsewhere—sold out to foreign actors who were seeking to gain influence and access to Joe Biden and the United States government.Joe Biden was more than a participant in and beneficiary of his family’s business; he was an active, aware enabler who met with business associates such as myself to further the business, despite being buffered by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability.If there is no evidence of corruption—if Joe’s conduct and the conduct of his family were fully legal and proper—then why are they so dishonest about it? Not just slight misrepresentations of fact but deep untruths about the entire corrupt enterprise.Hunter Biden gave his transcribed interview to the House Oversight Committee on February 28 and lied throughout his testimony. Here are just three key examples of his perjury:1. In Hunter’s transcript (Page 42), he states, “I officially began to do work for CEFC when the—when I received a retainer from CEFC in early—or spring of 2017.”Why, then, did Hunter yell at CEFC Executive Director Zang in front of his entourage as I sat right next to him in New York City on Sunday May 7th, 2017? Hunter was adamant that he was owed the rest of the $20 Million CEFC had committed to paying for the work he had claimed he had done in prior years.2. On Page 48 of his transcript, Hunter is asked, “He’s never interacted with any of your business associates. Is that correct?” The “He’s” is a reference to Joe Biden.Hunter responds, “Yes.”Hunter arranged the meeting between his father and me at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles on May 2, 2017. The sole reason Hunter wanted me to meet his father was because I was the CEO of Sinohawk, the Bidens’ partnership with CEFC. I was a business associate. In his transcript, Hunter confirms that that meeting with Joe took place and incriminates his Uncle Jim for perjury by confirming it.3. Hunter also lied to the Committee about important details concerning his money demands and threats to CEFC on July 30 and July 31, 2017. He leveraged his father’s presence next to him in that infamous text in order to strong-arm CEFC into paying Hunter immediately, and in the process defrauded the partners of Sinohawk Holdings LLC and Oneida Holdings LLC. The threat worked, as a few days later the Chinese wired $5 million dollars into a company of which Hunter owned 50%. It’s important to remember that the CEFC considered this money an interest-free loan to the “Biden family,” and planned to send more. I have the email from CEFC to prove it.Jim Biden also lied extensively throughout his transcribed interview before the Oversight Committee on February 21, and ironically, Hunter Biden—in his own testimony as outlined above—confirmed that Jim Biden perjured himself:1. Jim has been selling “plausible deniability” for so many years he can’t tell truth from the lies. On Page 100 of his transcript, he is asked: “Do you recall having a meeting with Hunter Biden, and Tony Bobulinski and Joe Biden?”Jim’s response: “Absolutely not.”The Committee was so shocked by his perjury they tried to ask the question again in a slightly different way:“It’s your testimony here today that meeting never took place?”Jim responds, “Yes sir,” “that I was present for.”The Committee tried again: “Do you recall whether you were at the bar with Hunter Biden, Tony Bobulinski and Joe Biden?”Jim responds: “That I know did not happen.”Jim adds further, “But my brother was never there.”On Page 134, delusional Jim Biden reiterates his untruthful answer again after the Committee showed him messages confirming I met with Joe Biden.Jim Biden states, “Joe Biden never met with Tony Bobulinski.”That is just a flat-out lie.2. On Page 124 of his transcript, Jim Biden states, “It was Hunter Biden, myself, Gilliar. I don’t know. It was the five. Okay? And everybody was 20 percent. Okay? You know what was never executed. It was never signed.”Jim was then presented with a fully executed copy of the Oneida Holdings operating agreement that he and I had both signed along with Hunter Biden, Mr. James Gilliar and Mr. Robert Walker. On Page 132, Jim tries to claim he was not a member of Oneida Holdings.

AdvertisementJim is so dedicated to his lies that he describes the Oneida document, a large legal document signed by the Biden business partners, as something that I might have come up with after drinking a “quart of gin” (Page 124). It’s absurd.3. Jim Biden further lies by claiming “Bobulinski was trying to usurp and replace Hunter Biden.” (Page 123)Hunter Biden, Robert Walker, James Gilliar and Jim Biden asked me to step in as CEO of the business. I did not ask them. I tried to walk away from Sinohawk multiple times only to be convinced to stay on, including on one occasion by Jim Biden himself. The company was controlled by a Board of which the 4 of them could out-vote me on anything. They had control of the company. . . .Why is Joe Biden blatantly lying to the American people? . . . If he were doing nothing wrong, why go through this insane exercise of obstructing and denying obvious facts? . . .The reason is because the Biden family’s profiting of tens of millions of dollars from our strategic opponents and corrupt individuals and entities around the world—without delivering any goods or services and while putting in minimal effort and work—causes Americans to rightly question any policies from this administration that apparently benefit those same strategic opponents and corrupt individuals and entities. Just read the latest motion by the Department of Justice related to Hunter Biden’s criminal indictments in California; the DOJ states that he made large sums of money for very little work.

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