08 Dec

The Rot In Britain: Oxford Union Describes October 7th Atrocities As “Heroism”

How revolting is this and at the Oxford Union no less! Niall Ferguson, in his article below, started out by condemning the shockingly anti-Semitic debate at the heretofore esteemed Oxford Union and went on to describe the deterioration of British society.

The Oxford Union Disgraces Itself, and Oxford University‘Sinister’ Oxford Union debate on Israel broke law, dons tell Hague: 

Open letter to chancellor calls out ‘failure on all counts’ to protect Jewish students from ‘antisemitism’ for ‘apartheid state’ motion. Take a look at the numbers. They are really bad and do not bode well for Britain particularly if Labor remains in power which they are likely to do for the next 5 years.

Click HERE to view Video.

He is right to say, or at least strongly imply, that what the country needs is another strong dose of Margaret Thatcher, something I have been saying for more than 10 years.With a growing Muslim presence in Britain and their increasing militancy the day when there is a Muslim prime minister is about 20 years away unless steps are taken now to halt Muslim immigration, empower the police and British courts to take severe measures against the unbridled aspirations of totalitarian Islam. This felt like a marker, the moment when the Oxford Union truly fell”

(From a tweet on X)

Oxford Union is controlled by terrorist supporters. 

Last night I asked the participants and pro “Palestine” opponents during a debate at Oxford Union if they would have reported  Hamas plans to authorities to prevent October 7 massacre; 

75% of the participants voted they would have chosen not to report Hamas plans to the authorities.

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